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Ways to cope with driving test nerves.

posted Sep 5, 2012, 8:33 AM by Bruce Williams   [ updated Sep 5, 2012, 8:35 AM]
There are many ways to cope with nerves that might arise in various situations, but one of the most nerve-racking scenarios that anyone will face is that of their driving test.

Getting to the stage of being good enough to take the test takes a lot of time, money and effort in driving lessons, and there is always the added pressure of friends and family telling you that they passed first time.

A good driving instructor will have a wealth of experience in helping people through this difficult time, but there are many techniques that can be employed yourself.

Take deep, slow breaths, and visualise yourself performing perfectly in your test. Take some time to sit somewhere quietly and visualise things that you find difficult, whether that’s parking or roundabouts, and also visualise other people on the roads making mistakes and how you deal with this. This type of visualisation is very powerful, and can help you react correctly.

There are various herbal supplements that can be taken and will help with the feeling of stress without making you drowsy. It is worth taking them a few times in advance though, so you know if they have any unexpected side effects.

When people are nervous they tend to move fast, so make a conscious effort to slow down all your movements.